Writing site where you can be corrected by native speakers!


This is a new site that has been live for the last month; we already have over 900 members! If you use Lang-8 or Italki, this is similar but the UI is much nicer and the support team more available. It is getting better every day.

If you haven't used Lang-8 or iTalki, I'll explain how it works: Every day, you'll post a journal writing in your Target Language. Once your journal is posted, native speakers (or advanced learners) will go through your journal and correct any of your mistakes and make comments such as how you can improve or what you did well! In return, you can browse through the journals made in your native language and make corrections and comments on those!


It is free up to 2 learning languages, more than 2 and you can support the site on patreon for 5$ a month (it costs the owner 100$ USD a month to keep the server up and running).

You can also check out the LangCorrect discord to report any issues you are having with the site or just to give suggestions of feedback!


**posted with mod approval

submitted by /u/thejacquemarie
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from Failte royd | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/2PnDCR1
via Learn Online English Speaking
