What’s your experience with understanding languages you haven’t studied, but that are related to languages you have studied?

To relate what I mean to my own personal experience, I have most of my experience in the romance languages. I have high intermediate (B2) ability of comprehension and speaking in Spanish and French, and I find I have some “cross over” abilities of comprehension in Italian.

Lately I’ve been watching some Italian language YouTubers, and it’s surprising to me how much of it I can understand. I think it’s that my brain cross references familiar sounding Italian words with their cognates in Spanish and French.

Similarly, my boss is Italian, and him and I do this thing where I speak Spanish and he speaks Italian. We both understand each other pretty well, but neither of us knows the other language well enough to be able to respond in the other’s language. It’s all very interesting to me!

What is your personal experience with mutual intelligibility between languages? Thanks.

submitted by /u/MyNameIsNahDude
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