Victory Mondays - Share us your successes! December 30, 2019"

Welcome to the Victory Mondays thread. Each alternate Mondays at 18:00 UTC, I, your faithful Automoderator, will be hosting a thread where in users can share their successes/achievements, however small or big they might be.

  • Deciphered some words in a random conversation?

  • Read a book / wrote a story / listened to music?

  • Watched and comprehended a whole movie without subtitles?

  • Held an authentic/unrehearsed conversation with someone?

  • Cleared a language exam?

  • Completed a deck of flashcards?

  • Fell in love while speaking to someone?

Let us know!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from Salvete | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
