Learning Cornish

Hi all!

My first post here so if I screw up then I apologise.


I'm looking to learn Cornish, as my family a hails from there and I've recently fallen in love with my heritage enough with wanting to pass it onto the next generation.

I know it is a dying/rare language and I'm not that far from the area so it won't be hard to get resources to learn.

Both my wife (25) and I (27) love the idea of being fluent so we as a family can have more privacy speaking wherever (is that rude?). It just seems more intimate.

What I'm asking is if we both try to learn at the same time, but when we're talking to eachother we explicitly try and speak the language, unless we're struggling or need to express something in English?

We also have young children too. How can we get them involved?

Ontop of that, does anyone have any tips or tricks to learning a langauge? I know I've picked a slightly tricky one.


submitted by /u/Red___King
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