I need to change my relationship with Anki.

For the last two and a half years I think I've been abusing the app. I've made all sorts of cards and have imported decks from Glossika and Memrise (and I've also created quite a lot of cards too). I feel like almost ALL of my time is spent dealing with Anki and hardly any time enjoying a language. It's like I feel this strange obligation to finish another course, another learning guide, another something. I can't just listen to music just to listen and enjoy as I do in English, or read a book, or anything that requires enjoyment without having to bust out Anki and make cards. I realize this isn't really an Anki problem but more of an obsessive problem on my end, but I just cannot help it. For somebody who is trying to get decent at several languages and maintain others, I really don't know when to use Anki anymore. I don't know when I should be using it and when I shouldn't. I also don't know whether or not to make cloze cards with hints, translation cards, monolingual cards. I guess I'm stuck with paralysis analysis and it's to the point where I've become so tired of Anki that I want to quit it altogether, but I still realize it's benefits. If any of you have faced a similar problem to me, how did you get over it and enjoy the language without feeling like you ABSOLUTELY will not excel without excessively using Anki. I guess I'm trying to find a healthy balance of language learning activities because I'm already at language # 5 including my native language of English. Please let me know what you think.

submitted by /u/Mystik-Palace
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