How long is anxiety when speaking a foreign language supposed to last?

I've been living in the states for a year. I came here "knowing" English. However, as it could be expected from someone who never spoke the language to anybody, I made and keep making A LOT of mistakes. From grammar through pronunciation. I obviously was really nervous to speak and shied away from speaking as much as I could (it was easy since many people in Houston know Spanish, my native language). Obviously as time went on I have been able to get over this fear, but just a little. I recently got a job at Target and everyone (staff and obviously costumers) speaks English. I have been working there for like 3 months and I think it has been really helpful. However, whenever I make a mistake or mispronounce something I freak out and I mess up the rest of the conversation (I immediately realize everytime I say something wrong though, so I can't explain why I keep on making mistakes). I am comfortable enough speaking to my coworkers. But when it comes to everything else I can't help panicking. I hate talking over the phone. Starting conversation with people I don't know. Doing errands. EVERYTHING. It is like I am speaking English for the first time every single time. I've been living here for a while, so I was wondering how long is anxiety when speaking a foreign language supposed to last? I know I haven't been spoken English 100% of the time but I think that the time I have should be ok to stop being so afraid of speaking. Is this going to be like this forever? Is it because I need to study more? What do you think?

submitted by /u/pixelcaesar
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from Salvete | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
