How does one effectively learn from writing corrections in L2?

Hey all,

I'm planning to develop a habit of writing in German. Specifically, I want to write about one paragraph every day. I'm posting my writing on iTalki + Hellotalk, and I've already gotten corrections on my first piece of writing!

The standard wisdom on this sub seems to be: write, get corrections, and then learn from the corrections. But the vast majority of posts I've seen are quite vague about what the third step looks like in practice. Here's what I tried today:

  1. Review corrections. Make Anki cards out of new/useful vocabulary and interesting grammar that don't already have a similar card.
  2. Return to my rough draft. Revise the rough draft sentence by sentence, attempting to catch the errors. Compare to the corrections, and see what I'm still missing.
  3. ???

I think that my revision strategy (sentence by sentence review, trying to catch errors before checking against the correction) is a good idea. But, I'm invariably not perfectly capturing everything I reviewed, and/or I'm making NEW mistakes as I revise. I know my brain is learning, especially from havint this correction available, but what's the best way to make it stick? Coming back to a draft multiple times seems really time-consuming... But I'm worried that I'm not actually learning if I'm not re-exposing myself to the content. I could find a way to put the sentence in Anki, but I also don't want my deck cluttered with dozens of clozes of feminine nouns in the dativ or something (I also make lots of mistakes like forgetting umlauts, or hard-to-make cards like organizing complex sentences.) Similarly, I don't want my daily slog to involve re-reading 3 of my previous essays and trying to re-correct them.

I'm also considering taking notes on particularly difficult constructions and then challenging myself to use that structure in the next prompt. And, worst-case scenario, my ultimate goal is to just keep writing, even if I can't optimize my correction process. :P

I'd love to hear about your process of learning from corrections. If anybody has research/articles on the topic, I'd appreciate the resource, as well!

submitted by /u/AyyRickay
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