Comprehensible input and non-native accents

I am pretty sold on using comprehensible input for helping my kids learn Spanish, and am finding a lot of videos online produced by Spanish teachers from the US that are geared to my kids ages, language level and interests. But many of them speak with a noticeable American English accent in Spanish, which I find kind of off-putting. (Not to say I have a perfectly native accent myself in Spanish, so I don’t want to diminish these teachers and the work they share for others). The accents are strong enough that my kids can recognize them as non-native, but the content is still comprehensible for their current level. Should I trust that as long as they have enough native accent input from other sources, this won‘t be detrimental to their future pronunciation? Or should I stick with native speaker input only?

submitted by /u/Snowlobster1
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from Salvete | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
