Can you learn a language by studying inconsistently?

I'm torn between learning Japanese and trying to develop the ground work for a potential buisiness idea. Obviously a buisiness is more important in the long run by lets ignore that for now. I've been developing routines so that I can know how much time I actually have available in my day. The way I see it I could consistently, daily work on either one for about 90 minutes and work on the other for 2 hrs when I have a short work day (I work part-time). I'm feeling like I should consistently work on the buisiness idea since I'm currently trying to do it for 2hrs on my days off and it's not moving. (Though that's probably because I'm lazy, the same can be said for my Japanese.) So, my question is: can you learn a language by studying inconsistently (throughout the week) or does it have to be everyday?

submitted by /u/IOSSLT
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from Salvete | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
