Advice for learning a heritage language?

So I'm hispanic and I was raised primarily with English, and I know some Spanish, but I'm definitely not where I want to be. So, I thought I'd ask this sub for advice in learning a language you know a lot of, yet have gaps in knowledge to the point where you still need to study a lot.

It's also kind of hard for me to find motivation and material for Spanish that suits my level, since I'm learning European Spanish (my family is Spanish) and most material is suited for Latin American Spanish.

It's also hard to find the same type of motivation I have for French because French music is very different from Spanish music (although I LOVE La Casa Azul, and I actually really like Dracula, although their content is hard to find) and French musicals are super awesome and pretty commonplace, while good Spanish musicals are hard to listen to online. Also, I'm more familiar with Spanish culture, so it's less... interesting to me. However, there are still things that make me excited in Spanish.

So... do you have any advice for this? Have you had a similar experience? I'll take any advice!

submitted by /u/AnotherLinguaphile
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via Learn Online English Speaking
