Raising kid with three languages: can they achieve native fluency in all three?

I live in an English speaking country, and me and my wife come from Portugal and Hungary, respectively. When we have kids we plan to speak to them strictly in our native languages, and not speak any English at all. They can pick up English from the environment, and that way we avoid them picking up any bad habits of weird pronunciation from us.

We expect that English will become their dominant language. Our doubts are more related to what kind of fluency can they realistically achieve in Portuguese and Hungarian. They will only get input from those two languages at home, bar some occasional trips to visit family in our home countries. Is that going to be enough for them to become fluent in it? I always hear about how some people can speak a second language as adults, but are kinda stuck at the level of a 12 year old, or how some people can understand a language but not speak it. Just wondering if that will likely be the case here or if anyone has similar experiences with this.

submitted by /u/Jiang-Tuk-Zhan
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