Need advice so that I'll be spoken to in my target language, instead of just English

I'm currently studying at a Japanese language school in Japan for a few months now.

Recently, I went to a language exchange event wherein you switch between Japanese and English every 3 hours.

30 minutes English, 30 minutes Japanese, and so on. You switch tables every half hour so everyone gets a chance to talk to each other. There were about 32 people in the event. Half the attendees were Japanese, half were foreigners.

Initially, i was really excited because I'll have a chance to practice with native speakers, but once it was time to practice English and the Japanese people knew that I was fluent, they didn't want to speak in Japanese anymore even when the 30minutes was over and it was time to speak in Japanese.

I felt quite sad, because in the other tables where some participants weren't fluent in English, they were spoken to in Japanese by natives, when it was time to practice Japanese.

There was a table where I sat with 4 Japanese people, and it was time to speak in Japanese, but they kept wanting to talk to me in English.

Slightly feel like I wasted my time since I spent more time speaking English than actually getting to practice Japanese.

Any suggestions on what I can do? Should I just pretend that can't speak English? (I'm Asian)

submitted by /u/FawkesFeyre
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
