My Stranger Things Experiment (in french)

I am writing a piece of software to automatically create Anki decks from Netflix shows.

I just wanted to check in with my progress. I currently can generate decks rather easily however images are still problematic. I will post the decks once I verify there isn't too much inappropriateness in the images

Here are the stranger things season 1 stats (Assuming you know no words but learn them as you go forward)

  • Season 1 Episode 1 has 714 words
  • Season 1 Episode 2 has 458 new words
  • Season 1 Episode 3 has 279 new words
  • Season 1 Episode 4 has 314 new words
  • Season 1 Episode 5 has 327 new words
  • Season 1 Episode 6 has 292 new words

A word does count as a new conjugation of a verb for example so its a tad inflated and most of these words you already know. I studied Episode 1 then watched and was amazed how much my comprehension went up.

I consider it to be rather focused studying. I am going to process as many shows as I can so that once I know my vocab I can identify other shows that are close to my vocab so I can watch them to "learn" more words.

Thought I would update you. I am close to releasing decks and I hope you can help me with criticism on them.

submitted by /u/Littlephocups
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
