How long does it take to be able to understand writing in your L2 script at a glance?

English is my native language, and when I see English text, say, in my peripheral vision and without focusing on it, I immediately understand it. I got distracted while driving once as I spotted a sign out of the corner of my eye that had originally said 'glass' but the G and L had disappeared, found it funny and began to talk about it.

However, this is not the case in additional languages I've studied that have non-Latin scripts. When I see text in, say, Thai or Korean, I have to make an effort to direct my attention at the text and actually read it. The abovementioned incident would not have happened in Thailand or Korea with signs in those languages.

How long does it take when acquiring a language with a different script to your L1 (for English speakers, a non-Latin script) to be able to see text out of the corner of your eye and instantly understand it? Would it take a long period of immersion in a country where that language was the primary language?

submitted by /u/KiwiNFLFan
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
