Couldn't find a a native Russian speaker so i became one

I've been learning Russian for about a year now but i've never met someone irl to practive my russian with or test my accent with because i don't live in a place where tourists would normaly come to visit ,but i really wanted to talk in russian with someone irl, so i went out and walked to a place a bit far from my house so people won't recognise me and talked in russian as if i'm a russian guy asking for directions
i panicked at first mainly because i thought i'd have to give an awkward and long explanation if i messed up and said something in arabic (my native language) but then i got into the character and kept talking
i would like to advice you to try this method , going out of your comfort zone and talking in your target language in public ,the worst thing that could happen is that you'd find someone who understand you and also speaks that language

submitted by /u/chawho
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
