Are there any native Spanish speakers who can whip my ass into shape?

Hey all!

I'm trying to learn how to speak Spanish on Duolingo, and I think it's going pretty well. My goal is fluency, as I guess anyone's is when learning a new language. I personally think I'm rather good at it, I just have been neglecting to practice in my real life as I know nobody who actually speaks Spanish.

Which is why I'm wondering if there's anyone here who would be willing to have conversations in Spanish with me to increase my skills? I figured the best way to learn how to speak the language naturally is to pick it up from someone who speaks it on the daily. I'm really dedicating myself to this, so any help is greatly appreciated. Ya gurl wants to be trilingual after I master Chinese as well. :)

(no idea what flair to post this in, oops)

submitted by /u/almostjuliet
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
