Your Tips regarding Verbs and Pronunciation

I'm learning russian but I'm sure that any tips you might have regarding any other language might work as well so I would deeply appreciate it.

So, I'm doing now what I should have also done with French considering how the verbs were (and are) my weakest part.

As always, I'm using Anki decks to learn Russian but it seems like the verbs just won't get inside my head. 20 cards take me 2 days and multiple tries just to acquire them for one day and for this entire week it just seems like it isn't actually working.
What are your biggest tips regarding acquiring verbs? Do you focus on them? Do you just focus on sentences and allow your brain to acquire verbs by proximity? What actually works for you?

Also, regarding pronunciation, the first time I tried to learn Russian I had a lot of trouble to figure out the correct way to stress a word but thankfully Fedor posted this video not too long ago and it was a major help. However, what are also your tips regarding this issue?

I would also like to thank everybody for the tips on my last post although it was controversial . I deeply appreciate every resource that you posted in the comments and I would like to link the three threads that were created regarding this: russian subreddit, language learning subreddit and language learning jerk subreddit

I also did a video regarding this topics (verbs and pronunciation) and praising the language learning community in case you want to see it

submitted by /u/LordofCookies
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