The user base of the app Speaky is ruining an otherwise potentially great language learning tool

My friend told me about the App Speaky and I was eager to try it out, sounded like a good idea. And for the most part, it is a good app. The tools in place are well designed and it’s easy to reach out to new people and works as intended. The problem however is that the majority of the users, at least for the languages I selected as my interests (German, Russian, French, and Romanian) all seem to be Arab/African Muslim men. Cool I’m fine with that I’m not prejudiced and they seem friendly enough at first to make conversation, but it’s been impossible, at least with the 15+ people I’ve spoken with so far, to have any normal conversation. All of them say they want to practice their English with you and then go on to ask you if you can help get them to Europe/America where ever. They even try to make you feel guilty by saying “I’m going to try smuggle in but it is dangerous and i could die. Do you want me to die?” Politics and opinions on the matter aside, it’s just annoying that every single one of these people I’ve spoken with have been more or less the same. I just want to practice my languages.

Another thing I’ve noticed to is creepy old men stating that they are lonely and looking for love on the app. It’s just disturbing to me that they are probably trying to chat up young women (or men) on an app devoted to helping other people learn languages.

Please Speaky devs idk if there’s anything you actually can do about this so long as this remains a free app; but as for now I won’t be using it.

submitted by /u/janusz_lukaszewski
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from Аӄта и’ | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
