Question Regarding Picking Up New Languages

Hey all,

A brief insight to my situation: I’m currently a university student studying Arabic, Hebrew and International Relations. Currently I speak Jordanian Colloquial Arabic and Hebrew to around B2 level, and in the upcoming academic year I need to take an extra dialect of Arabic (either Iraqi or Najdi). At the same time, I’ve been offered a scholarship to study Turkish (which is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time), all while maintaining my Jordanian and Hebrew.

Firstly I’m wondering if it would be possible to be doing Iraqi and Turkish - I know starting two languages at the same time is a big no, but I don’t know how difficult/far/similar Iraqi is from Jordanian.

Secondly, if from your advice it sounds feasible to be juggling all 4 (or 3.5 if you consider the Arabic dialects close), does anyone have an idea what is the best way to approach it. Such as how to divide my time between each language. I’m award this is different for everyone but I’ve never tried juggling so many languages before - and I’ve seen a lot of flairs on here with 4+ languages, so would like some advice on how people do this!


submitted by /u/Attila_the_Hunty
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