Is this an interesting research topic?

Hey! I’m a high school student and I’m about to do a year-long research project about basically anything that interests us. One of my ideas revolves around the question “how much knowledge of Spanish is needed to understand Portuguese?” (which is a poorly written question for now, and I know I’m gonna have to operationally define “understand”; it’s still a work in progress). Basically, I was thinking to give a paragraph in Portuguese to students in Spanish 1 up to AP Spanish and see how much they understand. If the data was graphed, would it look like a straight line (the more they learn Spanish the more they understand Portuguese), an exponential graph (cognates and other similarities are concentrated towards the advanced classes), or like a plateau (there’s an immediate increase in understanding within the beginner classes then levels off).

Does this seem like an interesting topic for a research paper? Has this been done before (so far, I haven’t found similar research, at least with the keywords that I used)? I’ve always been interested in learning languages, so I wanted to have my research paper be about it. I would appreciate any help from you guys! Also, sorry for the long post.

submitted by /u/Karametra1029
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