Got my first book in my target language but may have bit off more than I can chew

I’ve been learning Spanish through school, Duolingo, and podcasts and recently decided to finally take the step of getting a book. After hearing so much about it, I ordered Don Quijote in Spanish.

It came yesterday and is incredibly thick, and it’s written in, for lack of better terms, that style where the sentences have like 6 commas each and stretch on for multiple lines.

I think working my way through it could really help me because it’ll be a challenge and force me to truly comprehend each part of the sentence, but I’m nervous that I’m going to get discouraged.

I spent 15 minutes on the first three sentences of the prologue really nailing down their meaning. It was super fun and satisfying like a puzzle, but I kinda had this sinking feeling because there’s so much book left.

If I can keep my enthusiasm up, I’m going to continue working through it, but if I feel overwhelmed, I may need to find an easier to manage book.

I absolutely love this community. You all have really sparked my passion to continue learning my target language!

submitted by /u/TheLordoftheGuys
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from Benvinguts | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
