Best app for learning Hungarian? (flashcard with audio style?)

I study German at the moment, I used Duolingo at first, but then switched to Memrise, since it allows for much faster reviews (100 words/sentences in like 4, 5 minutes) and is more interactive, in addition I watch Nico's weg with german subtitles and occassionaly Cobra 11 without subtitles, so there's a lot of resources.

Unfortunately the Memrise courses for Hungarian don't seem to have audio, one does, but it seems that lections are jumbled up and don't make logical sense (basic words not in the first lection), I'm not sure if Duolingo has audio, maybe it's flashcard subapp Tinycards has audio? Any other resources I should look at that work in a similar way? I know about Pimsleur Hungarian as well, but I'm a hyper person, so I don't focus enough on audiocourses and they aren't effective for me, especially with hard to spell languages like Hungarian

submitted by /u/jakers036
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