What books use etymology and derivational morphology to teach English, for L1 Cantonese and Mandarin?

My Hong Kong friend's native languages are Cantonese and Mandarin. Her English is merely A2.

  1. What books teach English using linguistics concepts like Etymology, Semantics, and Derivational Morphology?

    She has been learning English for 20 years. Never the less, until I showed her today, she didn't know the semantic shift of "even" as an adjective to "even" as an adverb, or how Latin putare is the root behind "amputate; compute; count ; depute; deputy; dispute; impute; pave; pavement; putative; reputation; repute."

  2. To filter for quality, we prefer authors who are linguists aware of research on L2 Acquisition, and who hold at least a PhD in linguistics.

submitted by /u/phrassein
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