Is there any "Menschen" textbook equivalent for learning Russian?

Hello y'all,

So I started learning Russian quite recently, just finished the Michel Thomas main audio courses. Even though it was a nice start I now want to do things in a more traditional way using textbook and stuff. Back when I was learning German I used to love these very well known series of textbook+audio called Menschen made by Hueber, as it methodically covered so much ground while not taking too much of my time or being boring in most of the lessons. So, with Russian the initial plan was to get the Assimil Russian right after MT, but now I realized I'd prefere something less rushed, if that makes sense, something that covered more ground without being too massive or formal. My firt thought was "boy I wish they made Menschen books for Russian", and before I realize I'm on this sub writing dis.

submitted by /u/Roddy-
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