Is learning a language from your own continent more important?

This is a topic that is often discussed by people around me. People go “Mandarin is useful” but others say “it’s useful only if you want to work in China” and from that perspective it makes somewhat sense: sure there’s more people speaking Mandarin than French, but if you land a job in Europe you’re much more likely to use French. Alternatively, if you’re from Japan, learning Mandarin could be very useful, but if you’re in say, Eastern Europe, you’d be better off learning Russian, especially if you’re a native Slavic speaker. I also heard people say that someone would more likely hire a native Mandarin speaker than say someone who learnt it as a second language, and that it would be better if (for example) Europeans spent time learning more local languages like French, German and Spanish rather than Mandarin, Hindi and Thai. My main is in French but so many people tell me to learn Mandarin that I’m starting to question everything.

submitted by /u/Kyoko_IMW
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
