I want more practice writing/speaking but the exercises I've tried feel like work and I end up not doing them

I want more practice creating output. I don't encounter many native speakers in my daily life so writing is probably more realistic. I'm not opposed to social events but they can be taxing (difficult to get to, emotionally draining, etc.) and infrequent.

I've tried keeping a journal, answering a writing prompt, tutoring, and other activities that end up feeling tedious and make me quit.

Anyone have any suggestions that are fun or at least don't feel like work. Ideally something that isn't too time consuming that I could a little bit every day or something.

Some background on me individually since it's generally the first follow up question here... I'm fairly advanced in Spanish. I'm nearly at the point where I can stop "studying" formally. I still make a lot of mistakes but I can speak spontaneously and learn on the fly. So, I'm looking for away to improve my ability to speak and maintain my skills.

submitted by /u/cogitoergokaboom
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