Brazilian: any experiences from Spanish speakers? Or anyone?

Has anyone mastered Brazilian? I speak Spanish fluently and really want to learn this language. I started with some Portuguese (European) textbooks but realised they will not get me too far in Brazil.

The differences across the Atlantic are vast. I find European Portuguese already very difficult and fear that Brazilian is even harder - super hard. I'm experimenting now with Brazilian textbooks (with audio).

The vowels - 12 very unstable vowels vs 5 very stable in Spanish.

The diglosia - you can spend years and years learning the language and then have no clue what two people on the street are talking about.

Learning Italian after Spanish was easy. I progressed very rapidly building high level of confidence in all fields (especially learning comprehension) in a matter of months.

I thought learning Portuguese would be similar if not easier. After all, they share approximately 89% cognates. Sister languages with similar grammar. But after months of study I'm nowhere near where I was with Italian after the same time if study.

Any tips or experiences? Has anyone mastered Brazilian to the point they feel at home with the language? To the point they understand both very different languages - the formal and the one actually spoken by the people? And I mean understand without difficulty when natives are speaking. Not when they address you. Because when they address you they tend to speak more formally and slowly.

Justuts seeking some words of encouragement because I don't want to give up. Or truthful experiences of people who found it too difficult and gave it up. Especially good to hear from Spanish speakers.

submitted by /u/uw888
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
