What books did you read growing up in school and at what age?

I love reading books to learn languages, and would love to have an idea of the cultures too. I think it'd be great to have lists of the books read by students throughout school in different countries that we can follow along with as our language skills progress, and get a good grounding in works that native speakers would also have. I'm most interested personally in France and Germany, but any countries are welcome!

I'll started with a few from the US. Around the age of 12, I read To Kill a Mockingbird. At 14, I read 1984 and Catcher in the Rye. At 16, I read The Awakening, A Streetcar Named Desire (a play), and The Great Gatsby. At 18, I read Moby Dick and The Bell Jar. I read many more in these years and before and after, but those are some of the most prominent that have stuck with me. Feel free to add on!

submitted by /u/NervousTenor
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