Was B1.2 level but gave up on German after a disappointing study abroad experience - how to get back into learning it after I've forgotten a lot.

I studied German for 5 semesters in University before heading abroad to do my final semester on exchange in Germany. In early 2018, I finished a semester abroad and was given a score of 1,3 for the B1.2 level at my University. I won't go into the reasons why because they are not relevant, but I had an awful experience abroad and it kinda "ruined" my enjoyment of German. I came home with my tail between my legs and feeling crushed that my experience didn't "go right", I packed all my books away. I thought I'd get over it after a few weeks, but I had 0 motivation to study it for over a year. German was a reminder of an unpleasant memory.

I really loved it before all this though.

Recently I've started to feel like I should continue learning German. I've started to remember how much I used to enjoy it and I feel embarrassed saying I majored in it (along with my other major) and barely speak it.

Messing around yesterday, I did the sample test for onSET and got a score of about 45/80 which would put me at an A2 level which made me feel incredibly stupid. I know languages are "use or lose" but I didn't expect to have forgotten an entire level in 15 months and felt stupid.

Have I truly FORGOTTEN everything I have learned or is it still in my head and just rusty? I felt like a lot of the time on the test, I knew a word, I just didn't know the gender or how to spell it perfectly, or I knew I wanted m/d/sein__, just didn't know whether i wanted -e or -en or -em or -es. It was like I forgot the finer details. My vocab was also particularly rusty and I didn't understand things I know I would have a couple of years ago.

I am going to look into taking an evening class or something, but has anyone been in a similar situation and has some tips they can share with me or even just reassure me I am not weird for losing interest for a while and that hope is not lost of passing B2 one day?

submitted by /u/stardustsatellites
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