Question for people who speak 3+ languages

Hi. English(L1) native and advanced Japanese(L2)speaker. Looking to learn Korean(L3). I hear the grammar and vocab overlap is super similar in Japanese and Korean so am thinking about learning Korean through Japanese, but have a question.

It seems there are two paths,

learning L3 through L1

( L2←L1→L3)

and learning L3 through L2

(L1 → L2 → L3)

If I learn through L1, I assume the connection to L1 with be strong. And the same as if I learned through L2.

But my question to multiple language speakers is:

say you learned your L3 through L1. Are you able to easily make the connection between L3 and L2 when translating, or does it often have to go through L1?

The same as if you learned from L2: can you easily connect from L3 to L1, or does it often go to L2 first?

Sorry for the slightly convoluted abbreviations. Also sorry if this has been asked before.

Edit: also, any advise as to which route to take is welcome!

submitted by /u/JetJerkJetJerk
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from Dev Boro Dis Dium | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
