Learning apps using literal written translations for a hard-of-hearing beginner?

So I have been interested in learning Korean for a while now, and I have two questions.

One, a lot of learning apps focus on the listening component without much guidance. Pairing audio with reading/written exercises is useful -- I can absolutely learn that way.

But I need more guidance at the start, especially for some of the vaguer sounds. Eggbun gives specific English examples for vowels and consonants (e.g., "sounds like o as in old").

Are there are any other apps that do this, or focus on this?

Secondly, are there any apps that use the literal translation of basic phrases and sentences for learning? Something like this, where the literal translation is at least included.

I find it much easier to learn and remember the literal translation of a sentence, because I can parse out each individual word in the right order.

With the general translation, the mismatch between the order of words is noticeable and makes it hard to recall. Once I know the literal translation, it is a lot easier to put together a general translation.

I don't know if I explained that well, but any advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/MimikyuLovesYou
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning http://bit.ly/2MeCpNv
via Learn Online English Speaking
