Latin brought back to replace English as the universal communication language

I've been thinking about this lately and figured this would be an okay sub to post my thoughts.

The are a few problems I have with English being the dominate language of the world. In the West prior to the second half of the 20th century it was common for educated Europeans to speak multiple languages. English was not the go to language everyone had to learn. Languages like French and German were just as common or more so than English. Spanish and Italian were also commonly spoken as 2nd or 3rd languages. I believe this was much more beneficial to Western culture than to have one language, thus one culture, dominate over the West like we see today with Anglo-American dominance. In fact this is not just a European issue, it is happening all over the world.

Think all the famous artists and arts of Western civilization throughout the centuries. They come from England to Spain to Italy to France to Germany to Russia(yea I know, technically not "West"), etc. Today, everything that is popular worldwide is a part of Anglo civilization. All world famous movies, TV shows are in English, all world famous music acts are from English cultures. If they are not then they have to sing in English in order to have global success.

Another issue is that the dominance of English causes all English speaking cultures to be primarily monolingual even amongst the highly educated. With Latin being the communication language Anglo countries would also need to have their population learn a secondary language. I'm American but I do not like the Americanization of the world. I believe global culture would improve by having a universal secondary language that does not belong to any dominate nation.

submitted by /u/Augustus1274
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via Learn Online English Speaking
