Japanese versus Mandarin job opportunities.

So I'm pursuing a degree in International studies and I'm trying to decide between Chinese (Mandarin) or Japanese as my foreign language focus.

What I'm asking for is opinions on Mandarin vs Japanese purely from a stand point of job opportunities. Ignoring all other factors I simply want opinions on if Mandarin does in fact have HUGELY more business/professional/career opportunity than Japanese does.

I'm slightly torn because I already have a personal interest in Japanese and an "ear" for it. But if Mandarin would be the much more "career savvy" choice I'm willing to make that change. I've just heard some very conflicting things like "A lot of people in China speak very good English," "Japan still has a much more established private market than China","Japan is a lot more friendly to foreign workers," etc.

Any opinions or Concrete information would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank You.

submitted by /u/Nobu_Oda
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