Help me learn Spanish!


Because the question "how can I learn Spanish" is so ubiquitous on this subreddit, I was purposefully vague with the title so that I can properly explain where I am with my language learning, and detail my exact question.

I like to think that at one point just a few years ago, while I was in college, that I was an intermediate-advanced spanish speaker. However, I know that I have lost a lot of my speaking abilities. I am now in medical school and there are so many opportunities for spanish to help with my future job as a pediatrician! Because of that, I really want to try to get my Spanish back, and even improve to levels of fluency that I never had in the past.

That being said, I am inundated with online resources to help me learn. My question today is, what is essential?

I really want my emphasis this time around to be on speaking. Since I'm not longer in school and not worried as much about the 'grades' of it all... I really want to be functional. However, at the same time I realize that I must have a solid foundation in grammar.

(Also it may be helpful to know that I don't have any spanish speaking friends who can help me practice... I will primarily be learning online/at a desk since I am so busy with medical school)

Any help/discussion is appreciated!


TLDR: I have a background in Spanish at school, and want to relearn with an emphasis on speaking the language early on.

submitted by /u/Samot125
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