Can anyone suggest a software that could help me learn how to write english vocabulary?

I have hard time remembering how to write some words in english and I have been trying to find a software that could help me out with some training in that regard. I have dome some googling but the answers I have got so far are not quite what I have been looking for.

What I am looking for is software that (plays word with audio/gives my native translation/shows the word with a mistake/or all of the above) and I have to write the word. If I get it right it gives me another one. Essentially the very same way I learn the vocabulary from books...but online with optimization(<-i had to google this word to know i wrote it right, its getting annoying).

Something similar to games like THIS. But a bit more educational and geard towards learning. I am sure something like this exists but I just cant find it.

When I was in highschool I wrote software myself where I put in the vocabulary that was given at the end of the book for the chapter we were learning and I used that to learn the words without having to use paper and pen. It was nice because I could nail down the words really fast. I added an optimization that removed the words I already get every time. It was a really useful tool. I had a lot of friends who did the same thing. It takes a day of code to get something that up. That is why I cant beleave I have not found anything online like this that would work in browser. For example I use THIS SITE to train and retain my sightreading skills. Retaining sightreading is a really big challenge but same is true for learned languages. So I am very sure there is something like this already out there and I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

submitted by /u/SuperTuperDude
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
