Korean words borrowed from French


  1. 망토 (cape) is from a French word 'manteau'(coat)

  2. 빵 (bread) is from a French word 'pain'(bread)

  3. 피망 (bell pepper) is from a French word 'piment'(pepper)

  4. 데생 (drawing) is from a French word 'dessiner'(draw)

  5. 크로키 (sketch) is from a French word 'croquis'(sketch)

  6. 모자이크 (blur/pixelate for censorship) is from a French word 'mosaïque'(mosaic)

  7. 바캉스 (exotic vacation) is from a French word 'vacance'(vacation)

  8. 고무 (rubber) is from a French word 'gomme'(rubber)

  9. 삐에로 (clown) is from a French word 'Pierrot'(a nickname for Pierre)

Most of them came in use to Korea in 'French - Japan - Korea' order, in some cases skipped Japan.

submitted by /u/redditnojam
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