How do I regain my motivation to study?

I began studying Japanese because it's the native language of a childhood friend, and i thought it would be a fun and exciting experience. I kept thinking about how neat it would be once i was finally fluent.

Things started to go downhill though, my friend moved back overseas, became busy, and we lost touch. A couple other friends found out i was studying a new language, and they didn't do much to help. I got a lot of "it's a waste of time" "if you don't learn a language when you're a kid you'll have a bad accent forever", stuff like that.

All of these combined has totally crushed my motivation. It feels like there's no point in studying anymore. I've met no other native speakers, so it just feels like i won't be able to do anything if i actually stick with it, like I'll just talk to myself and there's no point.

The passion and desire to learn I once had is still there, but it's faint. Any advice? Should i just give up? Should I keep going? If so, why? (I'm a 20yo Canadian University student btw).

submitted by /u/Epic_Platypus12
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