Six Weeks of French Exposure. Best Practices?

Hey Folks,

I, like many people I have spoken to, took a language (French) in school, had a basic conversational grasp on it, and have since forgotten a large part of it. I work at a retreat center and recently found out we will be hosting a Quebecois group for about a month and a half, and I want to use it as an opportunity to learn (some) French. They will be arriving within the next few days, and stay for several weeks.

  1. I am aware that there will be some differences in grammar and vocab from "traditional" dialect. Not sure how glaring they are, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
  2. I won't be speaking to them all day every day. Sadly, I still have to work, but I will likely see them most days for breakfast and dinner.
  3. While some grammar and vocab will probably come back to me, I'm working under the assumption that I'm at a beginner level with a small foundation.
  4. My connection here is quite terrible so streaming videos and video chats will be difficult, but I can load text and smaller audio files. Can download resources it will just take time.

What regimen/tools/tips would you recommend?

What would be a reasonable goal for me to set for myself for the end of their time here? (I realize this will depend largely on my personal learning ability, foundations, and general determination.)

If I can clarify any points or let you know what resources I have available to me please let me know.

Thank you very much in advance.

submitted by /u/Space_Cadet_Tyler
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