Watching TV shows to accumulate useful vocabulary (Advice strategies needed)

Hey guys, I have tried to search for this specific question without too much luck. So basically I was watching a video of someone who was very successful in learning his target language (mandarin), and mentioned that one of his methods of study was to watch a tv series or movie he enjoys, and when he hears a new word, he stops the video, writes the word, then creates several of his own sentences using the word.

I really love this idea and its really simple when you think about it. However when I jumped to do the same thing, I found it hard to keep tabs on myself. What I mean by that is its difficult to keep myself in check and not just gloss over words that I do not understand. It is challenging because at my current level I can usually understand the key points and ideas being shared in a general video, but my brain can gloss over the "non-important" words, or the words that don't NEED to be said but still add something to the speaker's point. Not sure if I am describing this right, I hope you guys understand. If I forcefully try to keep myself in check, then I would have to stop and think "Do I really know this word?" really often, which actually diminishes my overall comprehension since I am spending a lot of time reflecting on words that I would not normally (waste?) time reflecting on.

So I guess ultimately I was wondering if others used a similar strategy and found a way to keep themselves in check or a method that could make this study strategy feel more constructive. If there is an article on this topic, I would love to read it as well. Another thing is that I am aiming to not use the subtitles (Just target language as I am comfortable in using mandarin subtitles to understand) because I feel my comprehension goes way up when I can read what is being said, so I am not practicing my listening as I would like to. I only want to turn to subtitles to understand words that were not said clearly or to make sure I heard right.

Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/Aavren
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