Methods to learn a new language

Bonjour meine friends,

I'm trying to expand my horizon by learning Japanese. I'm doing it on my own. At home I study with a coursebook mainly focusing on grammar and writing (I'm probably going to study with the Genki series since I've heard that it's great). In addition, while working out I listen to recordings of common vocabulary and phrases with English translation. I also enjoy Japanese shows (with English subtitles). I'm definitely learning something but I'm not sure about the effectiveness of this method.

I'm pretty comfortable with my English, German and Turkish so I think I could manage this as well. I'd like to be able to be somewhat fluently talk about very basic topics. Right now I'm spending 1-2 hours a day studying. Is there anybody out there who has gotten fluent on his own? What methods have been proven to be efficient for you?

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/handsome_banana_irl
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