Are We Fooling Ourselves With Our Language Abilities?

Until yesterday, I would have considered myself C2 Spanish and B2 French. Given how many years it has taken me to reach that C2 level, and that I'm strong enough in the language that I've taught a course in my field in Spanish, I've already had a few doubts when seeing people who list three or four languages at C2 level, learned as adults. How does one even find that much time? Or maybe they're just geniuses and I'm an idiot.

But I don't think so. I've been to numerous language exchanges, spoken to dozens of expats living in Latin America, and it's really rare to come across someone who speaks Spanish at a high enough level to be taken for native. My level relative to others is a big reason why I rate myself so high in Spanish, and to a lesser extent, French.

Then yesterday, I spent some time watching oral assessments on youtube. I would say this girl testing at B1 speaks French at roughly my level, maybe slightly higher. So I guess my French is really only a B1.

submitted by /u/KingSnazz32
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