Structured path for learning a language, help please! (Japanese)

So, first off all my main language is Norwegian.
I learned English through school, after I got a general 'grasp' of the language, I was able to do a self sufficient 'climb' for better understanding and improving! Much fun was had and I am grateful that I put in the time and effort!
However, I wanna learn Japanese now. And there aren't any classes available for that in my area.
I've tried to buy books and self study alone but its reeeeeeeeeeeeeally tough! I end up pushing it away, in favor or something else and now I've dropped it all together! I can't seem to make a system or plan ahead. Its all a mess!
Surely there must be some other methods of learning a language thats better for me?

I need a structured, well explained, planned path that I can follow to get a good, general grasp of the Japanese language. Preferably with like a... Week to week goal kind of thing. Are there any programs/sites online? Thanks very much :)

submitted by /u/--Obscure--
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from 今日は | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
