Next steps in French

Hello, my fellow language learners,

I've got an issue that I imagine is all too common: what to do next?
I started learning French 5 years ago using Duolingo on/off but more seriously in the last two years. I've relied almost exclusively on Duolingo to expand my vocabulary and to get to grips with basic French grammar. However, only recently have I tried to really move forward and grow. Someone recommended to try reading and I picked up L'Entranger by Albert Camus. However, I struggle a lot with some of the words and have to rely on Google Translate to aid me, which really makes it a tedious experience. Listening is also a little challenging, but I know I can overcome it (a few months ago, I couldn't get a word, now I can pick up more words and some sentences have immediately clear meanings, through mostly shorter sentences)

I've decided to dedicate more time to study but I'm stuck at what the next step would be. Likely an A2 - not quite new with a solid foundation but not enough to feel immersed by a lot of content.

Any recommendations on how to cross this bridge? My goal is to be B1-B2 within 3 months

submitted by /u/Smothier
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