Is my decision to learn Japanese first foolish?

I'm a native English speaker.

I've always wanted to learn new languages, and I think I finally have the motivation to dedicate some time to doing so. I do about an hour of commuting to work each day that could easily be spent learning language, and I'd be willing to put in more time outside of my commutes.

I'm a new attorney with a significant other who is Japanese (although she only speaks English, her family speaks Japanese). We plan to go to Japan for the olympics in 2020, and I've always had an interest in Japanese culture and media. From a sheer interest perspective, Japanese seems like the most interesting language to start.

However, as an attorney, learning a new language could be very beneficial for my practice in attracting new clients. I recognize that in my country, Spanish would make the most sense by far from a work perspective, and Japanese is far, far less common.

I think ultimately, I would like the idea of learning multiple new languages. Perhaps learn Japanese first, then Spanish, then maybe even one more. However, it would seem foolish to plan on learning multiple new languages when I haven't even demonstrated that I have the discipline to stick to learning one new language.

I guess I just wanted to hear from people who have learned more than one new language in their adulthood, and the difficulty/likelihood that I would actually be able to follow through with such a plan. Would it be foolish to try to learn Japanese before Spanish?

submitted by /u/OliverBrennan
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