I learned a Spanish joke. 馃榿 Let's share target-language jokes.

Un hombre fue a un restaurante y pidi贸 un huevo duro. Cuando el mesero lo llev贸, el hombre lo toc贸 y dijo al mesero, "Oye, mesero. Este huevo est谩 blando.". Entonces el mesero dijo, "Ah. Disculpa, se帽or. ¡C谩llate, huevo!".

I love this because it's a pun that only works in Spanish and you have to pronounce the line just right to make the double-entendre work.

Incidentally, I have a similar joke in English:

A termite walks into a bar and hops up onto the counter. He turns to the guy next to him and says, "Excuse me. Is the bartender here?".

Both of these work much better spoken aloud.

Share some jokes you've learned in your target language!

submitted by /u/RobertWarrenGilmore
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