How good is the Irish Doulingo Course?

I was just wondering. How good is it? Will you be able to carry out a short conversation with someone? I'm studying Irish in school and it is REALLY hard, I primarily struggle in vocabulary and grammar, it is just so different hard to remember!

So for the next couple months I want to learn Irish from the ground up, as if I never knew it, despite the fact I have been learning it for the past 3 to 4 years in school, I can't use any textbooks from school because, (1) They are all in Irish, even in the spaces where they explain what to do, and (2) They assume that you already are good at Irish, which if I was I wouldn't be here :P

Thank in Advance!

submitted by /u/cuponoods123
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from Merħba| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
