Do you ever feel like people look down on your knowledge of a language since you’re not a native speaker?

One day my friend and I were having a pretty amicable discussion about Spanish. For the sake of not boring people I won’t delve into what we were discussing but she had said something that wasn’t true and I corrected her on it and even showed her proof on the internet. She still didn’t believe me and wanted to consult her friend who is a native speaker and even when her friend confirmed that what I said was true she still didn’t believe me and said “you can’t learn everything from a book. You’re not a native speaker so you can’t make that claim until you’ve heard someone from every Spanish speaking region confirm it.”

How have you handled situations like this? Perhaps I’m being a little sensitive about the situation but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask if others have experienced the same thing as well.

submitted by /u/samiam8961
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from Merħba| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
