Contrary to popular belief, Dunwoody Press is not defunct!!

Hi everyone

Those of you studying obscure languages or who have watched Alexander Arguelles' Youtube series reviewing language learning materials may be familiar with Dunwoody Press. They're a publishing house known primarily for publishing readers, grammars, dictionaries, etc. on less-commonly-taught languages, although they have several books on both Farsi and Korean as well (the latter written by Prof. Arguelles himself).

From what I've been able to deduce upon reading threads in various language learning forums, the widespread belief for the past few years is that the company went under, as their website went down and for those lucky enough to find their books online, they were generally being sold at ridiculously high prices. On one of those forums, I found an email address that someone mentioned they had used to contact a representative from the company (back in 2016 or so), so against all hope I sent an email to them seeing if I'd get a response.

The next day, I miraculously did receive a response, informing me that they're still in business and that they have a new website where you can place online orders for their books! I just placed an order today, so if people are interested I could post an update as to the reliability of the shipping and the quality of the book I receive, but from what I can tell they seem completely legit!

Sorry if this is already common knowledge, but after days scouring the internet I couldn't find a single mention of a new website and had almost lost hope completely. For those of you interested in those under studied languages, I hope I was able to help out!

submitted by /u/brazilianlimeade
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