Best Way to Switch Languages?

So I’m an anglophone by birth, but have learned to speak Spanish and French (still learning French). I love being able to use them, especially when its the natural tongue of whoever I’m speaking to. My question is, what’s the best way to transition to a different language if you know the other person speaks it too?

I know that this can be largely individual-based or a cultural thing even, but I’ve noticed that sometimes people seem to get offended when I switch from English. My pronunciation is good enough that I’m fairly certain that I’m not coming across as mocking them. I also do my best to avoid coming across as the ‘ugly American’. Is there a certain way I should transition? I understand that asking beforehand is always a safe option, but I would like to avoid having to ask every single time if possible. Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/C3-BO
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from Merħba| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
