A comic I made about Chinese

I can’t remember which post I saw here that inspired me to make this, but theirs was about Japanese. The part about the other people talking was Google Translated because I don’t know that much Chinese yet... haha.


Well, here’s what it’s supposed to say: “Oh! Some people speaking Chinese! Maybe I’ll go say something!”

“Hi! My name’s Yi Fei (my Chinese name my friend gave me)! What’s yours?”

they’re silent for a second

“Oh, we didn’t know you spoke Chinese! We don’t see a lot of Chinese speakers around here! How is your day going?”

I don’t understand because it’s too complicated

“Haha, yeah”

submitted by /u/Soph19310
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from ようこそ | Languagelearning http://bit.ly/2CNvKSr
via Learn Online English Speaking
